
This is the most credible online test on the market. And while that still means it’s only 70% accurate at best, it’s an excellent tool for weeding out what you aren’t, as well as a great jumping off point toward your top potential types. I will send you your code for the test, & you'll take it before our meeting. The results will come to me, I will type up some initial observations, & then send them to you prior to our call.


Pre-Session Enneagram Institute Test


This is the most credible online test on the market. And while that still means it’s only 70% accurate at best, it’s an excellent tool for weeding out what you aren’t, as well as a great jumping off point toward your top potential types. I will send you your code for the test, & you'll take it before our meeting. The results will come to me, I will type up some initial observations, & then send them to you prior to our call.


Zoom Session (45-60mins)


You will receive a copy of the customized workbook (mentioned above) to work through during our Zoom session & reflect on afterward. It will include individualized reflection questions that will offer you the chance to “try on” your type & continue uncovering your top results as needed.*


Post-Session Support


*not everyone walks away from this session with full certainty of their type. Some know immediately, while others take a little longer to process through their core qualities. This is completely normal! We all have different levels of self-awareness & self-compassion, both of which are key components to uncovering our type. The good news? Any steps taken for a deeper understanding of ourselves is noble & productive work, & we all have work to do when it comes to moving in a healthier direction :)